XenLate is a simple widget showing the latest WordPress blog posts on a XenForo 2 installation.

This is my first add-on for XenForo 2 and plan to write out a tutorial on how the add-on is built. The work took approximately 14 hours from start to finish. Most of the time was spent reading the developer manual and asking questions on the most efficient way to write code.

The thread view count is 4625

Posted by LPH

I am a neophyte developer wanting to share my experiences. My time is devoted to learning to teach physics. This means any plugin is only being updated during breaks. Please do not make any new purchases. Lifetime license holders will continue to have access to newly released versions.

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6 years ago
Nice. Did you notice that the title for the latest blog entry is going past the sidebar?
6 years ago

The Admin CP file health shows two files have trouble. They are from this add-on.

6 years ago

LPH updated [URL=’https://www.xendevelopment.com/resources/xenlate.10/’][plain]XenLate[/plain][/URL] with a new update entry:

[URL=’https://www.xendevelopment.com/resources/xenlate.10/update/12/’][plain]New Options: Show Category, Show Display Name[/plain][/URL]

[quote]This release is compatible with Theme House XPress. Added two options to the widget.
(1) Show Post Categories
(2) Option to Show Display Name versus XenForo username

[COLOR=rgb(226, 80, 65)]I had to remove the files from the previous release then run uninstall in the Admin CP. Next, these files were uploaded, reinstalled in Admin CP >> Addons, add absolute path, then setup widget definition.[/COLOR][/quote]

[URL=’https://www.xendevelopment.com/resources/xenlate.10/update/12/’]Read the rest of this update entry…[/URL]

5 years ago

Thanks so much for this nifty “little” add-on, LPH.

Working pretty well with ThemeHouse UI.X Dark.

6 years ago
The Admin CP file health shows two files have trouble. They are from this add-on.
5 years ago
Thanks so much for this nifty "little" add-on, LPH.

Working pretty well with ThemeHouse UI.X Dark.