I’ve been looking forward to the ThemeHouse XPress product. It’s been an itch for years to get the WordPress and XenForo integration tighter.

This is how the two products are operating together.

Purchase and Download from ThemeHouse
Upload XF XPress add-on
Admin CP and install
Go to Dashboard
Add XPress theme, do not activate
Add XPress plugin, do not activate
Deactive XenWord
Activate XPress
Activate XenWord
Activate XPress theme

This post is a test to determine whether XenWord will post properly to XenForo or error out.

The thread view count is 6217

Posted by LPH

I am a neophyte developer wanting to share my experiences. My time is devoted to learning to teach physics. This means any plugin is only being updated during breaks. Please do not make any new purchases. Lifetime license holders will continue to have access to newly released versions.

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6 years ago

Is synch working?

6 years ago

I’m really interested to see how this works out.

5 years ago

[QUOTE=”dethfire, post: 279, member: 1029″]Should we be looking to migrate to this other addon?[/QUOTE]

I’m combining both so that the migration is easier. XenWord uses a post meta called thread_id whereas XPress uses their own table. It’s unfortunate so without XenWord installed then all of the thread linking disappears.

6 years ago
Is synch working?
6 years ago
I’m really interested to see how this works out.
5 years ago
Should we be looking to migrate to this other addon?
5 years ago
What do you mean combining both? Don’t they do the same thing? Honestly, I’m super confused here.

Can you transfer my license from xenword to here?

5 years ago
ok mate I’m about a few days out from giving up. This lack of communication is totally unacceptable. Severely disappointing. If you are giving up on this project please let us know.