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Download: XenWord Pro Lifetime License - EB1DA74*****. Cannot download. Where are the install instructions again?


Flight Director
Staff member


I'm assuming you've already made sure that your server is set so both WordPress and XenForo are on the same server.

(2) Align the Admin ID and user_id​

Do NOT enable the XenWord switch until after you have aligned the WordPress admin ID with the XenForo user_id. This is VITAL. Remember to look at both the user and usermeta tables in WordPress.

(3) Create XenForo Secondary User Groups​

Create the following Secondary User groups in XenForo [ /amdin.php -> Groups & permissions -> User groups ]
Click the blue + Add user group. Add only the title and save. Do not change permissions:
WordPress Administrator
WordPress Editor
WordPress Author
WordPress Contributor
WordPress Subscriber

(4) Logout of XenForo​

Make sure that the administrator account is logged out of XenForo.

(5) Set the Absolute Path​

The absolute path to XenForo is set by default to /var/www/home/community and must be changed to the proper path.

(6) Enable XenWord​

XenWord is designed to work with either XenForo 1 or 2. Please be very careful to not enable the wrong version. You will end up with many errors. For example, if you see an error stating XF is not available then you have the incorrect absolute path. The fix is to delete the xenword_options in the WordPress database and begin again.

(7) Login with XenForo Admin Account​

Once you have enabled XenWord then you will be logged out of WordPress. You must now login with the XenForo admin account that you have aligned. If you are locked out of WordPress then you must go back to your checklist to see if you are meeting all of the requirements. Look for the following issues: non-matching www or http protocols. Sometimes it is as simple as trying to use different virtual hosts.

(8) Browse to /wp-admin​

If you are redirected away from /wp-admin after enabling XenWord then these are the following items to check:
Absolute path
Server is not the same physical and virtual
Mismatch of domain settings (www/non-www OR http:// versus https://)
Double check the installation checklist.

(9) Disable Front Notice​

Once you are logged back into the WordPress site then please disable the front end notice.

(10) Enable User Mapping​

Go to the XenWord Settings Panel -> User Settings -> User Mapping and match the secondary usergroups only to WordPress roles. Leave the top WordPress roles alone. Only map the secondary usergroups to WordPress roles