XenWord March Changelog


This thread is for the March 2022 changelog.

The plan is to work through the known bugs - login redirect and userAlert.


Flight Director
Staff member
March 2, 2022

The userAlert was tossing errors at different times. It looks like a line for pulling the first post id was the culprit. I'll run the latest on this site and the main site to make sure that this bug has been fixed.


Flight Director
Staff member
The login redirect issue appears to be a caching issue after updating the plugin. It's important to delete the cache after updating any WordPress plugin.


Flight Director
Staff member
Here's a video showing a new feature in XenWord. XenWord will post a WordPress article as a reply to a thread.



Flight Director
Staff member
Installed the March 4th release onto this site and will test it out here.

( 35 ) 2022.03.04 - March 4, 2022
New Feature: Post WordPress post as a reply to a XenForo thread
Updated UserAlert by creating new Alert class (\Core)
Updated deprecated update_user_status to wp_update_user
Updated Redux Framework to 4.3.11