Congratulations! XenWord is installed and enabled.


New member
Lifetime License
Using xenword-2018.06.12. Why does this message appear at the top of the index page after the latest update?

Congratulations! XenWord is installed and enabled.
Make sure you have aligned the XenForo user_id of an admin with a WordPress admin user ID
You may login to your site using a XenForo user, not a WordPress user.
Do NOT attempt to login using /wp-admin or /wp-login.php. Use the included login widget.
All of the WordPress and XenForo server settings must match --- including http(s) and www/non-www --- or there will be redirects


Flight Director
Staff member
This is a new front end notification for new sites. Many new customers would install XenWord and not understand not to use a WordPress user at the point XenWord is activated.

There is a switch in the XenWord Settings Panel to disable this notice.

Please make sure that you update to the RC5 release.

( 25 ) 2018.06.14 - June 14, 2018
The threadView option is now available for each WordPress post
Total Online Count and option now in Community Statistics widget
Added Excerpt option for WordPress trim rather than XenForo trim
Bug Fix: get_avatar filter when $email


New member
Lifetime License
This needs to be turned off be default. I'm sorry but this is a bug in my opinion as anyone that visits the site after the upgrade will see that message straight away. This is very unprofessional. Depending on site traffic, hundreds if not thousands of people could see that before it's disabled.


Staff member
Number 9 of the installation instructions state:

(9) Disable Front Notice
Once you are logged back into the WordPress site then please disable the front end notice.

My suggestion is to add a link to the XenWord Settings Panel. This takes away some of the clicking action.


New member
Lifetime License
You have to consider people doing upgrades here, they can't have this message showing at all if they are upgrading on a live site.


New member
Lifetime License
You have to consider people doing upgrades here, they can't have this message showing at all if they are upgrading on a live site.

You should put your server in maintenance mode and make these changes then bring the site back up. It isn't a bug when its intentional.
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New member
Lifetime License
You should put your server in maintenance mode and make these changes then bring the site back up. It isn't a bug when its intentional.
I prefer not to do this as this means outages for the site. There would be far too much downtime if I did this each time. This is new, and was never part of previous versions — I still consider it a bug as it's very inappropriate for the public to see this appear when visiting the site.


New member
Lifetime License
What you're asking for is a special version of the software, try contacting them and ask them what it would cost for them to take the time to repackage a special version for you. Otherwise, this probably belongs in the suggestions section rather than support.
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New member
Lifetime License
I don't mean to be rude, but this is just common sense—the message would make sense if it was a new installation, but for an upgrade it just doesn't make any sense from a design perspective.


New member
Lifetime License
Perhaps that is a change they will make. I have no opinion on it as I haven't had this installed for two years, though I am in the process of trying to set this up again and see if it will finally work for me.


New member
Lifetime License
Perhaps once it is turned off, it won't switch back on again after an upgrade—that would be fine. I can understand it being on after resetting or deleting the xenword_options in the db which I have had to do a number of times.


Flight Director
Staff member
Perhaps once it is turned off, it won't switch back on again after an upgrade—that would be fine.

That has been the behavior since the notification bar was installed. If you remove the xenword_options from the database then you've reset everything. :)