Using xenword-2018.06.12. Why does this message appear at the top of the index page after the latest update?
Congratulations! XenWord is installed and enabled.
Make sure you have aligned the XenForo user_id of an admin with a WordPress admin user ID
You may login to your site using a XenForo user, not a WordPress user.
Do NOT attempt to login using /wp-admin or /wp-login.php. Use the included login widget.
All of the WordPress and XenForo server settings must match --- including http(s) and www/non-www --- or there will be redirects
Congratulations! XenWord is installed and enabled.
Make sure you have aligned the XenForo user_id of an admin with a WordPress admin user ID
You may login to your site using a XenForo user, not a WordPress user.
Do NOT attempt to login using /wp-admin or /wp-login.php. Use the included login widget.
All of the WordPress and XenForo server settings must match --- including http(s) and www/non-www --- or there will be redirects